Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Home Sweet Homegirls


Just in case you weren't aware.
And don't watch the news.
Like a dance major.


So, I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that this
will be my third year of college. Where does the time go?
I still feel like I'm 13. Maybe it's because I have a crush
on every boy in the whole world right now. FORRIL.

I just need to take a minute to brag about my
amazing, beautiful, talented, hilarious,
sometimes disgusting and repulsive,
but also LOVELY roommates!

I hit the jackpot of roomies this year, my friends.
We're all dancing fools who wear booty shorts and sweats
more often than the average person with standards and morals, shower
way too infrequently for disclosure, and get creative with mangos in
nearly everything we cook. I can honesty say these girls inspire
me each and every day to be better than I am. Avocado face
masks, smoothies in martini glasses, nail parties, and 
more--the estrogen in this place is toxic!

In a good way.
Like the smell of gasoline.
(Here's the part where I admit that I sometimes drip
gasoline on my foot on purpose because I love the smell.)

And the dishes in our sink never pile up because we've
worked out a system where one of us scrubs, another dries,
and a third person spoons ice cream into our mouths.

Now, that's what I call teamwork!

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